Child Protection
We, in St Mary’s Primary School, have a responsibility for the pastoral care, general welfare and safety of the children in our care and we will carry out this duty by providing a caring, supportive and safe environment, where each child is valued for his or her unique talents and abilities, and in which all our young people can learn and develop to their full potential.
All staff, teaching and non teaching, are alert to the signs of possible abuse and have been trained in the procedures to be followed. The Child Protection Policy sets out guidance on the action which is required where abuse or neglect of a child is suspected and outlines referral procedures within our school.
Please download the most recent version of our Child Protection Policy, issued in November 2016.
Child Protection Designated Staff

Child Protection Flowchart
Child Protection Policy
Making school fun for everyone

Child Protection Summary Leaflet
Child-centred education

Everyone working together

St. Mary's PS Mobile Phone and Digital Devices Policy
St Mary's Primary School, Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, Omagh, Co Tyrone | Phone: 028 82 242313